Artsy Studio is located in downtown Trussville, Alabama. We’re dedicated to fostering creativity and self-expression in children, adults, and families through open-ended art play classes. We’re all about having fun and doing things that bring real and honest joy.

Artsy Studio provides a much-needed space where young minds can freely explore their imagination. Our hands-on approach allows children to interact with various materials, tools, and techniques without the constraints of a structured outcome, encouraging originality and problem-solving skills. 

Everyone has an artsy side. Let’s get messy and have fun.


  • Improve Skills

    Through creative play, children develop fine motor skills, enhance their ability to focus, and build confidence as they transform their ideas into tangible forms.

  • Cultivate Independence

    Children are free to explore the stations and encouraged to engage with them independently or with other children.

  • Get Messy and Have Fun

    ArtPlay is FUN. All the activities that you probably don’t want to do in your house…we do here. Let the fun begin!

Artplay for Adults

Adults need to have fun too! We regularly host arts and crafts classes for adults that are focus on the fun of creating. From printmaking workshops to scrapbooking to pottery painting, we’re always doing something fun.

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