We can’t wait to see you!

194 Main Street
Trussville, Alabama 35173


(205) 410-5258

  • Register for class online on the Sawyer web app. Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before class starts to get checked in. We’ll have aprons, but make sure you dress your child in paint friendly clothes! As parents are also in the studio with their child, we also recommend you wear clothes you don’t mind getting a little messy.

  • Check in at the front desk. Once the teacher is ready and the studio door is open, your child is welcome to get started! There will be a space for you and your child to leave their things.

    Parents are welcome to grab a coffee from our latte bar or a drip coffee. We’ll also have a shared library for you to grab a book if you’d like. Or, you’re welcome to play alongside your kiddo!

  • During class, your child will be able to explore all of the different stations. We ask that you keep eyes on your child to ensure their safety, but they are welcome to explore each station how they see fit (meaning, you don’t have to show them everything…just see what they do!).

    We do encourage parents to intervene if their child is throwing things or interfering in the space of another child. We will also have an instructor in the room at all times.

    After class, clean up is ON US (seriously, you don’t have to do anything). We’ll have a station as you leave the studio for your child to wipe their hands off as well as a sink station.


What should my child wear?

We recommend wearing clothes that you’re okay with your child getting paint on. We provide aprons, but sometimes the kids aren’t vibing with them (it happens!). All of our paint and materials are washable and non-toxic. However, we still wouldn’t recommend wearing your Sunday best.

Can i come in and book a class?

You definitely can! However, we recommend booking in advance so you can ensure that you have a spot in class.


For birthday parties and private events, you are welcome to bring your own food and drinks. For regular classes, you may bring snacks but please be conscientious that other children may have allergies when choosing the snacks that you bring.

Can i come in and book a class?

You definitely can! However, we recommend booking in advance so you can ensure that you have a spot in class.

I have a two year old and a four year old. Can they come to the same class?

Yes! We try our best to split up classes based on developmental appropriateness. However, if you have two kids, it doesn’t make much sense to bring them at different times!

DO you really let kids paint on the walls?

Yes! Why not?