Terms & Conditions

Representations and Terms Required for Participant's Enrollment (For the following Representations and Terms: the participant will be called Child; the Artsy Studio owner, employees, or volunteers individually and collectively will be called Artsy staff; the associated Artsy Studio program for which the Child is participating will be called an Artsy Studio Class; and any parent, guardian, legal custodian, or agent of the parent, guardian, legal custodian charged with the supervision of the Child will be called the Parent or Guardian)

When registering for a class at Artsy Studio, I acknowledge that I am the parent, legal guardian/custodian, or an individual vested with the ability to enroll the Child AND can agree to the following terms and conditions on behalf of myself and the Child.

I agree that I will not hold Artsy Studio or Artsy Staff liable for any personal injury, property damage or loss of insurance AND agree to release and hold harmless Artsy Studio and Artsy Staff from all liability incurred as a result of the Child or Parent or Guardian’s participation in the Artsy Class and that these terms serve as a release for myself, volunteers, property owners and members of my family.

Art studio activities, including but not limited to paints, glues, hot glue guns, pastels, chalk pastels, pencils, water, playdough, wood/plaster tools, fiber (yarn/fabric/papers), wax, plastic bags, dye, drawing and sculpting and playing outdoor games. Artsy Studio takes all possible precautions to reduce the risk and provide safe, healthy, and enjoyable experiences. I warrant that the Child is able to follow directions for all activities in the Artsy class. I acknowledge that risks from participation in Artsy class activities exist and that I have allowed the Child to participate knowing these risks and their possible consequences including personal injury or death.

Artsy Studio may create promotional materials to be distributed in hard copy, on the internet or Artsy Studio website (artsystudio.co), or through other electronic forms such as, but not limited to, email and social media. I hereby agree to allow Artsy Staff to take photographs of the Child and to use these photos for such promotional purposes. *